- Musée Dräi Eechelen
- Exhibitions
Permanent exhibition
- Casemate 2: From the medieval city to the fortress (1443-1643)
- Casemate 3: The fortress in the shadow of France (1657-1714)
- Casemate 4: From Ancien Régime to Empire (1714-1814)
- Casemate 5: Luxembourg between the German Confederation and independence (1815-1867)
- Casemate 6: Multimedia room - interactive and rest area
- Casemate 7: The dismantling of the fortress (1867-1883)
- Casemate 7B: A new dynasty for Luxembourg (1890-1915)
- Casemate 8: The Fortress through Photgraphy
- Casemate 10: Heyday for Luxembourg City (1883-1903)
- iLux. dentities in Luxembourg
- Genie und Festung. Luxemburger Festungspläne in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
- Images d'un pays souverain. Le photographe Charles Bernhoeft et l'identité luxembourgeoise
- Borders of Independence / Luxembourg 1815 - 1839
- Pont Adolphe 1903
- 1867. Luxembourg - Ville ouverte / Luxembourg - Open city
- 300 Jahre Maria Theresia. / Maria Theresa - 300th anniversary La Femme aux multiples couronnes / A woman of many crowns
- Friends-Foes. Mansfeld and the other side of the coin
- Et wor emol e Kanonéier - Artillery in Luxembourg
- Collect10ns 2012-2022
- Auditorium
- Collections
- Luxemburger Bundeskontingent
Permanent exhibition
- Visits and activities
- Documentation Centre
- Kirchberg forts
- Latest news
- Agenda
- Multimedia gallery
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